Portuguese censuses Even if the history of Portuguese censuses is rich as in Portugal there have been population counts since early times, so far there are no census records available to be consulted on line. As this called my attention very much, I contacted the LDS to see if they are working on any project […]

Spanish censuses: a goldmine for genealogists.
Spanish Censuses Genealogists searching ancestors in Spain have in the various Spanish census records a very rich source of information as many censuses have been … [Read More...]

A smart approach to your Canadian ancestors: Canadian Census.
Canadian Census Genealogists with Canadian ancestors are lucky enough to have a lot of censuses covering a wide range of time that are available online, to search … [Read More...]

A guide to finding your ancestors in the US census
The US Census Continuing with our series of articles about census records of genealogical value, we would be making reference here to the US historic … [Read More...]
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French Census genealogical value to researchers
French Census, why are we looking for this information? Is it difficult? Looking for French ancestors might be … [Read More...]

How to search the 1841 and 1851 English Census
1841 and 1851 English Census Why are we looking for this information? One of the main sources of information … [Read More...]
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How can I connect with other online genealogists?
Why are we looking for this information? Even if we can look for online genealogical information and seek assistance from librarians, we can also learn about genealogy from each other, through social media: nowadays we can post genealogy queries on Facebook, we can follow other amateur or professional genealogists on Twitter, and we can connect […]

Where can I take online genealogy courses?
Where can I take online genealogy courses? Provided you are not a professional genealogist, you’ve probably learned most of what you know about your ancestors doing research on the web. In fact, most of people interested in genealogy as a hobby have begun their genealogy journeys learning on the web and taking advantage of the […]